package input // Inherited from uinput const ( keyReserved = 0 KeyEsc = 1 Key1 = 2 Key2 = 3 Key3 = 4 Key4 = 5 Key5 = 6 Key6 = 7 Key7 = 8 Key8 = 9 Key9 = 10 Key0 = 11 KeyMinus = 12 KeyEqual = 13 KeyBackspace = 14 KeyTab = 15 KeyQ = 16 KeyW = 17 KeyE = 18 KeyR = 19 KeyT = 20 KeyY = 21 KeyU = 22 KeyI = 23 KeyO = 24 KeyP = 25 KeyLeftbrace = 26 KeyRightbrace = 27 KeyEnter = 28 KeyLeftctrl = 29 KeyA = 30 KeyS = 31 KeyD = 32 KeyF = 33 KeyG = 34 KeyH = 35 KeyJ = 36 KeyK = 37 KeyL = 38 KeySemicolon = 39 KeyApostrophe = 40 KeyGrave = 41 KeyLeftshift = 42 KeyBackslash = 43 KeyZ = 44 KeyX = 45 KeyC = 46 KeyV = 47 KeyB = 48 KeyN = 49 KeyM = 50 KeyComma = 51 KeyDot = 52 KeySlash = 53 KeyRightshift = 54 KeyKpasterisk = 55 KeyLeftalt = 56 KeySpace = 57 KeyCapslock = 58 KeyF1 = 59 KeyF2 = 60 KeyF3 = 61 KeyF4 = 62 KeyF5 = 63 KeyF6 = 64 KeyF7 = 65 KeyF8 = 66 KeyF9 = 67 KeyF10 = 68 KeyNumlock = 69 KeyScrolllock = 70 KeyKp7 = 71 KeyKp8 = 72 KeyKp9 = 73 KeyKpminus = 74 KeyKp4 = 75 KeyKp5 = 76 KeyKp6 = 77 KeyKpplus = 78 KeyKp1 = 79 KeyKp2 = 80 KeyKp3 = 81 KeyKp0 = 82 KeyKpdot = 83 KeyZenkakuhankaku = 85 Key102Nd = 86 KeyF11 = 87 KeyF12 = 88 KeyRo = 89 KeyKatakana = 90 KeyHiragana = 91 KeyHenkan = 92 KeyKatakanahiragana = 93 KeyMuhenkan = 94 KeyKpjpcomma = 95 KeyKpenter = 96 KeyRightctrl = 97 KeyKpslash = 98 KeySysrq = 99 KeyRightalt = 100 KeyLinefeed = 101 KeyHome = 102 KeyUp = 103 KeyPageup = 104 KeyLeft = 105 KeyRight = 106 KeyEnd = 107 KeyDown = 108 KeyPagedown = 109 KeyInsert = 110 KeyDelete = 111 KeyMacro = 112 KeyMute = 113 KeyVolumedown = 114 KeyVolumeup = 115 KeyPower = 116 /*ScSystemPowerDown*/ KeyKpequal = 117 KeyKpplusminus = 118 KeyPause = 119 KeyScale = 120 /*AlCompizScale(Expose)*/ KeyKpcomma = 121 KeyHangeul = 122 KeyHanja = 123 KeyYen = 124 KeyLeftmeta = 125 KeyRightmeta = 126 KeyCompose = 127 KeyStop = 128 /*AcStop*/ KeyAgain = 129 KeyProps = 130 /*AcProperties*/ KeyUndo = 131 /*AcUndo*/ KeyFront = 132 KeyCopy = 133 /*AcCopy*/ KeyOpen = 134 /*AcOpen*/ KeyPaste = 135 /*AcPaste*/ KeyFind = 136 /*AcSearch*/ KeyCut = 137 /*AcCut*/ KeyHelp = 138 /*AlIntegratedHelpCenter*/ KeyMenu = 139 /*Menu(ShowMenu)*/ KeyCalc = 140 /*AlCalculator*/ KeySetup = 141 KeySleep = 142 /*ScSystemSleep*/ KeyWakeup = 143 /*SystemWakeUp*/ KeyFile = 144 /*AlLocalMachineBrowser*/ KeySendfile = 145 KeyDeletefile = 146 KeyXfer = 147 KeyProg1 = 148 KeyProg2 = 149 KeyWww = 150 /*AlInternetBrowser*/ KeyMsdos = 151 KeyCoffee = 152 /*AlTerminalLock/Screensaver*/ KeyDirection = 153 KeyCyclewindows = 154 KeyMail = 155 KeyBookmarks = 156 /*AcBookmarks*/ KeyComputer = 157 KeyBack = 158 /*AcBack*/ KeyForward = 159 /*AcForward*/ KeyClosecd = 160 KeyEjectcd = 161 KeyEjectclosecd = 162 KeyNextsong = 163 KeyPlaypause = 164 KeyPrevioussong = 165 KeyStopcd = 166 KeyRecord = 167 KeyRewind = 168 KeyPhone = 169 /*MediaSelectTelephone*/ KeyIso = 170 KeyConfig = 171 /*AlConsumerControlConfiguration*/ KeyHomepage = 172 /*AcHome*/ KeyRefresh = 173 /*AcRefresh*/ KeyExit = 174 /*AcExit*/ KeyMove = 175 KeyEdit = 176 KeyScrollup = 177 KeyScrolldown = 178 KeyKpleftparen = 179 KeyKprightparen = 180 KeyNew = 181 /*AcNew*/ KeyRedo = 182 /*AcRedo/Repeat*/ KeyF13 = 183 KeyF14 = 184 KeyF15 = 185 KeyF16 = 186 KeyF17 = 187 KeyF18 = 188 KeyF19 = 189 KeyF20 = 190 KeyF21 = 191 KeyF22 = 192 KeyF23 = 193 KeyF24 = 194 KeyPlaycd = 200 KeyPausecd = 201 KeyProg3 = 202 KeyProg4 = 203 KeyDashboard = 204 /*AlDashboard*/ KeySuspend = 205 KeyClose = 206 /*AcClose*/ KeyPlay = 207 KeyFastforward = 208 KeyBassboost = 209 KeyPrint = 210 /*AcPrint*/ KeyHp = 211 KeyCamera = 212 KeySound = 213 KeyQuestion = 214 KeyEmail = 215 KeyChat = 216 KeySearch = 217 KeyConnect = 218 KeyFinance = 219 /*AlCheckbook/Finance*/ KeySport = 220 KeyShop = 221 KeyAlterase = 222 KeyCancel = 223 /*AcCancel*/ KeyBrightnessdown = 224 KeyBrightnessup = 225 KeyMedia = 226 KeySwitchvideomode = 227 /*CycleBetweenAvailableVideo */ KeyKbdillumtoggle = 228 KeyKbdillumdown = 229 KeyKbdillumup = 230 KeySend = 231 /*AcSend*/ KeyReply = 232 /*AcReply*/ KeyForwardmail = 233 /*AcForwardMsg*/ KeySave = 234 /*AcSave*/ KeyDocuments = 235 KeyBattery = 236 KeyBluetooth = 237 KeyWlan = 238 KeyUwb = 239 KeyUnknown = 240 KeyVideoNext = 241 /*DriveNextVideoSource*/ KeyVideoPrev = 242 /*DrivePreviousVideoSource*/ KeyBrightnessCycle = 243 /*BrightnessUp,AfterMaxIsMin*/ KeyBrightnessZero = 244 /*BrightnessOff,UseAmbient*/ KeyDisplayOff = 245 /*DisplayDeviceToOffState*/ KeyWimax = 246 KeyRfkill = 247 /*KeyThatControlsAllRadios*/ KeyMicmute = 248 /*Mute/UnmuteTheMicrophone*/ keyMax = 248 // highest key currently defined in this keyboard api ButtonGamepad = 0x130 ButtonSouth = 0x130 // A / X ButtonEast = 0x131 // X / Square ButtonNorth = 0x133 // Y / Triangle ButtonWest = 0x134 // B / Circle ButtonBumperLeft = 0x136 // L1 ButtonBumperRight = 0x137 // R1 ButtonTriggerLeft = 0x138 // L2 ButtonTriggerRight = 0x139 // R2 ButtonThumbLeft = 0x13d // L3 ButtonThumbRight = 0x13e // R3 ButtonSelect = 0x13a ButtonStart = 0x13b ButtonDpadUp = 0x220 ButtonDpadDown = 0x221 ButtonDpadLeft = 0x222 ButtonDpadRight = 0x223 ButtonMode = 0x13c // This is the special button that usually bears the Xbox or Playstation logo )